Tuesday, January 6, 2015

10 Most Important Features of New PHP 5.6


Constant expressions
It is now possible to provide a scalar expression involving numeric and string literals and/or constants in contexts where PHP previously expected a static value, such as constant and property declarations and default function arguments.  It is also now possible to define a constant array using the const keyword.

Variadic functions
Variadic functions can now be implemented using the ... operator, instead of relying on func_get_args().

PHP now includes an interactive debugger called phpdbg implemented as a SAPI module.

php://input is reusable
php://input may now be reopened and read as many times as required. This work has also resulted in a major reduction in the amount of memory required to deal with POST data.

Large file uploads
Files larger than 2 Gigabytes in size are now accepted.

GMP supports operator overloading
GMP objects now support operator overloading and casting to scalar types. This allows for more expressive code using GMP:

hash_equals() for timing attack safe string comparison
The hash_equals() function has been added to compare two strings in constant time. This should be used to mitigate timing attacks.

The __debugInfo() magic method has been added to allow objects to change the properties and values that are shown when the object is output using var_dump().

SSL/ TLS improvements
A wide range of improvements have been made to the SSL / TLS support in PHP 5.6. These include enabling peer verification by default, supporting certificate fingerprint matching, mitigating against TLS renegotiation attacks.

gost-crypto hash algorithm
The gost-crypto hash algorithm has been added. This implements the GOST hash function using the CryptoPro S-box tables.

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Source: php.net

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